City fountain
Narro fountain

The members of the historical Narro guild meet each year on 6 January at the Narrobrunnen in the 'Obere Straße' and crown the bronze Narro, the traditional figure of the Villinger Fasnet, solemnly with brushwood. The decoration is removed on Ash Wednesday again.
Until 2017, the Narro figure was carved from wood and was removed from its pedestal and stored during the cold winter months - outside the carnival days - as a precautionary measure.
Since then, Thomas Straub from St. Georgen has created a new bronze narro-figure.
Wheel maker fountain

The wheel maker fountain in Villingen reminds of an exciting history. A wheel maker wainwright made a bet: on one day he wanted to make a wagon wheel, drive it to Rottweil, convert the equivalent value food and drink and return to Villingen with it on the same day. The wheelmaker won the bet. The wheel maker's fountain is the work of the Villingen woodcarver Manfred Merz. A wooden panel on the back informs the viewer about the significance of the monument.
Romäus fountain

Dedicated to the local hero Romäus from Villingen, who, according to the legend, unhinged an entire city gate in Rottweil. Romäus is depicted in a lansquenet uniform with a beret and halberd. Spectacular was his escape from the Romaeusturm with the help of Villingen citizens. In 1513 he fell in the battle of Novara, Italy. Fountain figure by Manfred Merz.

The Schonach artist Klaus Ringwald designed and built the Münsterbrunnen on the Villingen Münsterplatz in 1989. The bronze work of art tells the 1000 years old history of the city in text and pictures, sometimes in a humorous way. Each of the eight pages of the artwork is dedicated to an epoch significant for the city.
The fountain contributes to the fact that our beautiful city streams get enough water and both children and adults get a little refreshment in summer.
The exact details of the epochs can be found in our flyer 'Münsterbrunnen'.